Premier Vision Board Workshop "Good Dreams Grow Here"
Virtual Attendees scroll down to see a list of supplies.
Scroll down for additional workshop details:

Important Details
When: Friday, January 24th from 6-7:30 PM and Saturday, January 25th 8:30AM-3PM. Both sessions are available in-person or virtually. You can also attend virtually on Friday and in-person on Saturday. Choose the ticket that fits your needs (click button above to go to the Eventbrite page). Virtual attendees (for both Friday and Saturday) are responsible to provide their own supplies for their vision board. A list of supplies will be emailed to you once you register and pay online (click button above for link to Eventbrite page).
Where: Venue 119, 119 Court Square, Abbeville, SC 29620.
Cost: In-person, $75 per person for the first 30 people (regular price $125); all virtual (Friday & Saturday) $25 per person for the first 30 people (regular price $50)
What’s included in the workshop?
In-person on Saturday, $75 ticket: Calendar, journal, vision board supplies, pen, coffee bar, and lunch. Plus included is a $15 donation to “A Place for Us @ OUR FARM.”
Guest Speaker: Lana Broer, Wellness Professional from Auburndale, FL. Lana is a wife and mother of 3. She has worked hands-on with her husband and in-laws in their family business selling vitamins and supplements. She works with people to help them achieve optimal health and live out the best life in health God has created them for.
"Creating a vision board and seeing it daily is a reminder of the reflection of what I want my life to be, it helps me stay focused, trust God, and take the steps to make it happen."-Lana Broer
There will be a Spa Basket Giveaway (filled with self-care products) at the end of Saturday’s session. Must be present to win.
Additional information, instructions and an agenda will be emailed to you after registration.
This event will be a time of self-reflection and a shift in focus for 2025!
Friday, Jan. 24th
6:00 pm Doors Open
6:30 pm Session One
Overview of the Premier Vision Board Workshop
Guest Speaker “Creating a Vision Board Gave Me New Direction”
How Do You See Yourself? 3 WORDS
Let’s get our soil Ready for new Growth!
How do we care for our garden?
What do I want to Harvest in 2025?
Instructions for Saturday & homework
7:30 pm Closing remarks
Saturday, Jan. 25th
8:30 am Doors Open and Coffee Bar
9:00 am Welcome/ Vision for the Day
Song -Goodness of God
Guest Speaker "Health and Fitness"
Getting to know yourself
What are you Passionate about?
Writing your goals and planting your garden
Get started Creating Your Vision Board
Lunch-Soup & Salad with tea or water catered by Gather Bistro & Bakery
Finish Creating Your Vision Board
How Do You See Yourself? Has Your Focus Shifted?
3:00 pm Closing remarks and drawing for SPA GIVE AWAY BASKET (must be present to win)
Song -Great adventure
Virtual Attendees supplies you will need to have for online workshop:
What's needed for Virtual vision board:
Friday Night (begins at 6:30 pm)
- White piece of paper, ink pen
- Red marker or crayon
- Journal
- Mirror
Saturday (begins at 8:30 am)
- Journal
- ink pen
- scrap book paper
- scissors
- glue stick
- Stickers
- Quotes
- pictures, wording that applies to your life and goals
- Markers if you want to write or design your own scripture, one word, and or quote for your board
- mirror
We are using a file folder to decorate the inside. You can get a small poster board etc.) You may want your Bible, or magazines with inspirational quotes.
Saturday we will only break 20 min for lunch, so you need a quick lunch prepared ahead of time.